Archive | February, 2011

The Salchichon Bellota De Herradura and Spanish Tortilla Eaten As Finger Food in Tapas

18 Feb

1 What Tapas are all about

Entr?e dishes like “tapas” are eaten in preparatory to the main meal. Tapas came from the phrase “de tapeo” which means bar hopping or eating while standing. Other variations of tapas foods consist of tortilla espa?ola, raci?n, montadito, and pulguita.

2 Information on Finger Foods

2.1 Meals which are eaten by the use of the hand are called “finger foods”. These might be from fish, meat, and any meals or greens.

2.2 Examples

Fish finger meals contains smoked fish, fish sticks, tuna, mini salmon wellingtons, fish balls, fish fillets and fried fish.

Meat finger foods maybe pigs in a blanket, meat sausages, chicken stripes, chicken nuggets, Buffalo wings, ham, pork chop, pork and beef fillet, prawns, crabs, shrimps, oysters, grilled and fried chickens, boiled eggs, roast chicken and a whole lot more.

Vegetable finger food items can either be cooked, grated and sliced potatoes, saut?ed green beans, asparagus rolls, vegetable salad, tomato salad, peanuts plus a lot more to eat.

3 Salchicon bellota de Herradura and Spanish tortilla eaten as finger Food:

3.1 Salchicon bellota de Herradura and Spanish tortilla are often reduced in tiny cylindrical items of a couple of centimetres and is eaten freely with bread from a different plate and combined with Salchicon bellota de Herradura and Spanish tortilla in accordance with their taste and pleasure.

3.2 Other times, the salchicon is fried to bring out its juicy content and combined with the bread.

4 Nutritional Value of Tomato

4.1 Advantages:

Tomato acts as an enhancement to complement the Spanish and cold cut foods. Tomatoes are rich in Vitamins A, C, K and E which fix tissues in our system, aids to a robust teeth and bones and provides protection for any cell damage.

Phosphorus helps in the acid-base steadiness on your body while proteins enhance new tissue formation in the body.

Iron and nutritional dietary fiber respectively assists in formation of red bloodstream cells and improves your bowel actions.

Potassium maintains proper fluid balance in your body and assists in average maintenance of your body organs such because the heart charges, muscle mass contraction and nerve impulses.

4.2 Summary on Tomato Nutritional Value:

Molybdenum, potassium, manganese, dietary fiber, chromium respectively safeguards towards cancer, prevents anemia and sexual impotence in men; maintains correct fluid balance and assists in the standard function of your entire body organs.

Vitamins C, A, K, and E, respectively, for the development and repair of overall body tissues, helps combat infections, retains tooth and gums strong; protects immune process and for speedy blood clotting.

Protein, Iron, Folate, Copper, Magnesium, Phosphorus and Tryptophan respectively: builds up, sustain and replace tissues inside the physique, converts iron into hemoglobin; aids in bone development and regulates urge for food.

Vitamins B1 (Thiamine), B6 (Pyridoxine), B3 (Niacin), B2 (Riboflavin) and B5 (Panthotenic) are for the usual power metabolism inside the body; aids in production red blood cells; crucial in ordinary digestive and nervous program regulation; and enhances power for fat burning capacity inside the physique.

Spanish bread nutritional advantages

Spanish bread is largely consumed by a lot of people and is also always served in Spanish tables. Bread is the main supply of carbohydrates. When eaten, this may give ample of energy to the body. In Spanish, the bread is referred to as baguette or “barra. To prepare Spanish bread you only need to have flour, water, salt and yeast.

Vegetarianism Vis-a-Vis Non-Vegetarianism in India

17 Feb

Vegetarianism is so widely practised in India that vegetarians almost appear to be in majority. Fact may not be so, but if you include nominally non- vegetarians, especially those who eat meat twice or thrice in a month, or those who are eggetarians, then may be vegetarians are in a majority. Vegetarians in this country occupy a high moral ground and frown upon someone who is otherwise.

Vegetarians consider themselves more civilised than their non-vegetarian counterparts; there are many instances where a marriage could not be solemnised because one of the sides was non-vegetarian.

Vegetarians wear their vegetarianism on the sleeve. Though undeclared, vegetarianism is a creed that is equivalent to a religion. Jains and Vaishnavas have to be vegetarians because it is so ordained by their scriptures. They consider non- vegetarians unclean. It is not uncommon for vegetarian landlords to ask the prospective tenants their food preferences. Being a non-vegetarian can at times invite a sure rejection. Sometimes tenants have to turn closet non-vegetarian for the fear of being caught by the landlords. Occasionally the social contact between strict vegetarians and non-vegetarians is restricted to the minimum with the former studiously avoiding the latter. In a kind of counter contempt meat eaters chide their greens loving counterparts as herbivorous.

Most of the vegetarians in India are not the vegans as they are known abroad, who avoid anything of animal origin including honey and dairy products, gelatine and lanolin and avoid feathers, fur, leather etc.

In today’s society, however, it is nearly impossible to remain untouched by things of animal origin. Be it bone china crockery to lipstick, the gloss of which comes from the fish scales.

Years ago there was a big scandal when a businessman, who himself was a strict vegetarian, was caught for bringing in a shipload of tallow, which is a hard fat obtained from parts of the bodies of cattle, sheep, or horses, and used in foodstuffs or to make candles, leather dressing, soaps, and lubricants. He was accused of bringing in beef-tallow. Beef, as the people elsewhere should know, is a word that would cause revulsion in India. This word is almost never spoken in a polite conversation among the pious Hindus. Even hearing this word by chance can be revolting to them.

Recently a struggling toothpaste brand came up with a USP for selling its products in a market dominated by Colgate. The brand positioned itself as ‘purely vegetarian’ toothpaste, by implication meaning that the rest are using animal bones in their product. Soon enough every toothpaste brand-including the mighty Colgate had ‘100% vegetarian’ or ‘purely vegetarian’ written across their packs. Here even the major soaps have ‘made from vegetable oils only’ written across them.

When McDonalds came to India, even they had to sell ‘aloo’ (potato) burgers and pure veg fare to attract the majority of vegetarian clientele.

Restaurant Coupons Are Savings You Can Relish

16 Feb

Restaurant coupons can add extra joy, when it comes to dining out, after a tiring week at work. Families and individuals alike, have very tiring and busy work schedules. It is quite understandable, that sometimes one does not want to cook, after a hard day at work or at the end of a busy week. Often times the cost factor of eating at restaurants puts a damper on the desire to dine out.

There is no need to worry, that eating out will break your budget, or place a strain on the finances. In fact, it can be done at considerable savings, while adding enjoyment to an otherwise busy life. There exists, very fierce competition, in the restaurant business and the food industry in general. Most cities have several restaurants and diners. These establishments need business and often their survival depends on people entering their premises to dine. This in turn, has led them to introduce incentives, such as providing restaurant coupons and deals.

Restaurant coupon code advertisements, can be found in the local newspapers of most cities, or they may arrive in the mailbox. Restaurants have also been known to advertise on local television stations about their half price deals or two persons eating for the price of one. It goes without saying, that these are very tempting offers, as they do provide great value for the money. It provides people the opportunity to dine at different locations, at different times and enjoy the benefits that coupon savings provide.

In the event that restaurant offers are still expensive for your budget there are still several dining out choices available and plenty of meal deals out there. Most are familiar with the very many pizza specials, advertised all the time, along with many fast food outlets that also offer decent meals to suit every budget.

There are times when restaurant coupons are not readily at hand. Coupons may have been misplaced, just when people want to go out, for an enjoyable evening of dining. This should not be a concern, as most good restaurants and dining establishments, have their own websites and more often than not, they have deals published on their individual sites.

Restaurant specials can easily be found by a simple search on ones personal computer. The search for restaurant coupon discounts and meal offers will be readily available for the taking on most local restaurant websites. These offers are usually in the form of printable restaurant coupon codes, that can be printed instantly and used at the time you are ready to pay for the meals. It is really very simple to go out and enjoy your favourite meal at a savings using coupon codes and not having to pay the full prices printed on their menus. Bon app?tit now, as dining deals make for fun outings.

Induction Cooking: Understanding the Basics

15 Feb

Induction cooking is changing the way chefs and waiters prepare and serve food. Food service professionals are constantly on their toes, whether they are working in a busy commercial kitchen cooking gourmet meals for hungry patrons, or they are serving food quickly and piping hot at the front of the house. Durable, efficient and advanced cooking technology allows cooks and servers to improve the foodservice industry, providing precisely cooked meals faster and keeping food warmer and fresher longer. Induction cooking is a superior method of cooking that cooks food faster and more efficiently than traditional gas and electric cooktop ranges. Read on to learn about the basics of induction cooking.

What Is Induction Cooking?:
Induction cooking is a method of cooking that heats pans differently than traditional electric or gas stoves. Electric and gas cooktops heat the pan indirectly, often delivering uneven heat that can affect the doneness of the food and result in poor quality meals. Induction cooktop ranges generate a high-frequency electromagnetic field that penetrates the cooking vessel’s metal directly, exciting the pan’s iron molecules and releasing heat to the pan’s contents. This process is similar to the heat generated when rubbing one’s hands together.

Types of Induction Cooking Equipment:
Induction cooking products include back-of-house and front-of-house equipment, designed to cook and serve food accurately and efficiently. The back of the house includes busy commercial kitchens and workspaces, where chefs require quality equipment in order to produce quality food. Induction cooktop ranges and induction woks, including countertop equipment and high-power commercial products, are durable, easy to clean, and can boil or blacken food in an instant. Front-of-house induction products include buffet warmers, with such innovative designs that heating systems can be installed underneath countertops for attractive, unobtrusive displays.

The Benefits of Induction Cooking:
Induction cooking improves power, efficiency, speed and control in the kitchen, with advanced designs that fit seamlessly into any existing workspace. Because the pan is heated directly, induction cooking ranges cook food more evenly and precisely than traditional gas and electric stoves. In addition, some induction cooktops can deliver 90 to 95 percent of energy they draw to the pan, in contrast to 30 to 40 percent of gas energy or 50 percent of electric, so that induction cooking becomes a more energy-efficient way to prepare food.

The saved energy also contributes to cooler kitchens and lower energy bills. Induction cooktops remain relatively cool to the touch, so that spilled food will not burn on the surface and cleanup is quick and easy. A more efficient kitchen leads to quality cooking and food, keeping diners satisfied and food service professionals getting the job done right every time.

Eating English Food

14 Feb

Enjoying traditional English food is very easy to do. While some people assume that UK food is bland, they could not be further from the truth, so many of the wonderful foods from the United Kingdom are stuffed with flavor and taste that can get anyone hooked on them.

Eating British food has never been easier, even if you do not live within the UK. The Internet has opened the line for those local and abroad to be able to find the best of English traditional foods. You can even enjoy English pub favorites in the comfort of your own home.

Where to Find British Food Online

If you want to enjoy English food at home whenever you want, try looking online to find the best English recipes. You will find literally hundreds of authentic British foods that can be enjoyed at any meal time. Whether you are looking for tasty dinners, lunches, breakfasts, or snacks, you can find it all online.

There are several English recipe sites available on the Internet that specializes in traditional UK foods. They will tell you all the ingredients, serving sizes, and how to prepare each meal so you can enjoy the fabulous taste of real English cooking. The best part about finding British foods online is that you can bookmark your favorite English dishes for future use. Many online recipe sites for English food offer an easy to print option so that you can have a paper copy to look at in the kitchen.

When preparing to cook UK food at home you will wan to be ready to make many foods from scratch. This is how you will get the best taste and authentic flavors. It is also the cooking and preparation that makes food from England taste so good. Nothing compares with the taste of a real homemade meal from England.

Where to Enjoy British Dining

When you are looking for great English food and want to dine out, you can look on the Internet for all the British dining options near you. Before you choose a particular restaurant, you will want to be sure that all the options are local to you or that you are willing to travel to where they are.

The best way to find a local or close dining establishment that serves UK food is to type in your location and the food type into your browser. This will narrow the choices down to those that are in your particular area.

Choosing to dine out on great English cuisine allows you to experience how each food is supposed to taste and be prepared by professional. Make sure to check the restaurant’s ratings and reviews to get a good feel whether it is a good fine dining establishment or not. You want to have a great food experience. The better the dining establishment, the higher the quality of food that they serve, you want to be sure to eat the best in food from England.

Glycemic Index Food List Values

13 Feb

The reference value of the glycemic index food list values are charted below and the glucose value showing the glycemic index which equals 100. The index value of high GI foods is index at greater than 70 and low GI foods are indexed at less than 55. Medium GI foods are indexed in between the High GI and the Low GI foods.

Common foods glycemic index foods such as cereals are as follows: all bran 51, bran buds 45, cornflakes 84, rice krispies 82, Kellogg’s special K 54, oats 49, puffed wheat 67, shredded wheat 67. The glycemic value index for grains is as follows: basmati rice 58, brown rice 55, white rice 72, instant noodles 46, bulgur 48, and buckwheat 54, and Taco shells 68. The glycemic value for common fruits is as follows: banana 55, cherries 22, apples 38, cantaloupe 65, grapefruit 25, grapes 25, mango 55, kiwi 52, pears 38, pineapple 66, watermelon 103, papaya 58, oranges 44 and plums 39.

The glycemic index food list for common vegetables is as follows: cabbage 10, carrots 49, beets 69, corn 55, lettuce 10, broccoli 10, mushrooms 10, onions 10, baked potatoes 93, mashed potatoes 86, fried potatoes 75, pumpkin 75, red peppers 10, sweet potatoes 54. The glycemic value for common legumes is as follows: chickpeas 33, baked beans 48, lentils 30, navy beans 38, broad beans 79, cannellini beans 31, pinto beans 39, soy beans 18, red kidney beans 27 and white beans 31.

The glycemic value index for pasta is as follows: fettuccini 32, spaghetti 43, spiral pasta 43, meat ravioli 39, macaroni 47, rice vermicelli 58, capellini 45 and linguine 46. The index value of breads and cakes is as follows: waffles 76, sponge cake 46, stone ground whole wheat 53, sour dough bread 52, pita bread 57, bagel 72, croissant 67, donut 76 and rye bread 76 and pumpernickel bread 51 in addition white bread 70 and whole wheat bread 69.

The glycemic value index for dairy products is as follows: skimmed milk 32, whole milk 22, flavored milk 32, whole ice cream 61, low fat ice cream 50 and low fat yoghurt 33. The snack glycemic index value is corn chips 72, peanuts 14, cashews 22, chocolate nut bar 49, jelly beans 80, popcorn 55, walnuts 15, pretzels 83, chips 55 and a snicker bar 41. The glycemic value index for sugars is as follows: glucose 100, honey 58, fructose 23, sucrose 65, lactose 46 and maltose 105.

The glycemic index food list for common cakes and cookies is as follows: crackers 74, melba toast 70, crisp bread 71, oatmeal cookies 55, rye-vita crisp bread 69, rice cakes 82, rice crackers 91, water crackers 78, soda crackers 74, shortbread 64 and wheat thins 67.

The glycemic index food list was originally created for diabetics and in conjunction with this index many other facets such as exercise, oral and insulin medication management and regular checking of their blood sugars are all essential in order to maintain their blood sugar values within normal limits.

Passing Time In The Mexican Markets

12 Feb

?Have you ever been to Baja California or Mexico? If you have then you know about all of the open air plazas and markets, or “mercados,” where you can find anything from gold jewelry to leather goods and just about anything under the sun. What I like the most about going to the mercados is that there is always an awesome array of food and food products from all over Mexico and other regions of Central America. I love walking in and seeing the men and women getting their wares ready, cleaning their store fronts and getting everything set up for a days business. In the mercados there is more energy than you would get from the American counterparts and there is a sense of home.

Home as in homeland. A cultural essence that is brought from the different regions of Mexico and Central America to right here in our own backyard. For a guerro like me, it is both exciting and overwhelming at the same time… ?Vamanos!

The two places that I’ve had an opportunity to visit in the last week were: Plaza Mexico in Lynwood, Ca and El Mercado in East Los Angeles. Both locations are quite similar as far as what is being offered, the types of tiendas, etc. The biggest difference I noticed was Plaza Mexico is a little bit more modern and slightly larger than El Mercado. However, I will say, the location of El Mercado in East Los Angeles gives it more of an old timey feel, which I enjoyed.

My tour guide for my trips was my long time friend and co-worker, Roberto Martinez. He and I have been friends and working together for almost 15 years… He and I go back almost to the start of my career. So I figured, who better to help me out on my quest to a better understanding of authentic Mexican food and food products than… Roberto? I’m sure that I could have done alright on my own (my Spanish is pretty good, I’ve been told?), but I thought I would be able to get more and learn more if he and I went together. So, that’s what we did- OK, back on topic.

I’ve been really wanting to get into Mexican and Central American cuisine, more than just eating it! I’ve been wanting to learn how to make tortillas, tamales, moles, sopes, etc.

You know, really get into the preparation and execution of regional cuisine and staples that you would find throughout both Mexico and Central America. For example, Roberto is from Michoacan and according to him and most food historians, Michoacan is the birth place of one of my favorite all time dishes- Carnitas! When I ask my friend about what makes the Carnitas from Michoacan different than and more special than from other areas, he points out the strict use of a “caso,” to cook the pork in. A “caso” is a deep copper pot that is the traditional choice for cooking of the Carnitas and is said to give a slightly different and better flavor to the pork itself.

As we walked around in between the vendors standing in front of stores calling out to buy their products, we would stop every now and again and take a look at the different types of tortilla and huarache presses, both wood and aluminum types, different types of shallow pans and molcajetes, and tons of different specialized pieces of kitchen equipment- anything you’d need to make any dish in a Mexican kitchen. But what I really wanted to get into when I was there were the “carnicerias” and the “mercaditos.” These are the butcher shops and the markets where you can find all types and cuts of carnes, pollos, salchichas, pescados y mucho mas! If you don’t know what that means- you can find all types and cuts of meats, fresh sausages, chicken, fish and much, much more than that.

In the markets you had all kinds of completely wonderful goods. There were tons of different cheeses and prepared sauces, dried chilis, about 12 different types of mole base, prepared masa for tortillas, fruits and vegetables, fresh tortillas… I mean you couldn’t name all of the products that we found on our journey. OH, don’t let me forget the “panaderias!” All types of Mexican sweet breads and pastries and my favorite breads for tortas: bolillo and telera. I could go on and on and on. You get the picture.

If you haven’t experienced Los Mercados Mexicanos I highly suggest grabbin’ a friend or two and heading down sometime. If you are anything like me, you will absolutely find a little slice of heaven, and life there.

UK Food Online

11 Feb

Finding UK food online is very easy. Never has it been simpler to find not only the history of food, but recipes as well. If you are interested in authentic UK food, then you can go on the Internet to see where each of your favorites came from and why they are so popular in that area.

Often the history to how foods came to be staples in a culture’s diet is quite interesting. It can be due to trade routes and locations. It also has to do with the surrounding regions. There are many UK favorites that have been main stays for hundreds of years in the United Kingdom.

The UK Cuisine History

When looking up UK food online you will want to enjoy the rich history of how the food you love came to be. The British have had a unique cooking style for literally thousands of years. The dishes have been traditionally made with high quality local ingredients and covered in sauces that accentuate the actual flavor of the food, not hide it, or drown it out.

It has been said that many of the local dishes lack in imagination and flavor, but nothing could be further from the truth. When you eat food from the UK you will experience a rich food that is high in quality and local herbs. When you see the history of UK food online you will see that the influence comes from all over the area with the Welsh, Scottish, and other cultures adding in their own version of traditional meals.

Dishes such as Fish and Chips, Bangers and Mash, and Yorkshire pudding, are all local feasts that are rich in texture, flavor, and tradition. With such fertile ground and an array of animals being bred, the meal lists have grown over the many centuries.

Searching Authentic UK Recipes

When searching for UK food online, you will want to make sure that you looking at recipe websites that only feature authentic UK recipes. This can mean traditional English dishes or the means and style in which a meal is prepared. The English use specific culinary means to make their food. So a dish made in the United Kingdom will taste much different than the same meal made in The Unites States or Middle East.

Online UK food recipes offer you the ability to enjoy your favorite foods at home. This can save you money as well be one of the only options you have for eating traditional British foods in your area. Not every country offers foods from other places in every location. Online recipe sites have open the door for more people to enjoy British foods and culture more than ever. The Internet has so many options when searching for the right food choices online.

Once you have found all the traditional recipes that you want, simply bookmark them for future use, or print them out. Some sites offer the ability to save them onto your computer as well.

UK Food Stores

10 Feb

UK food stores offer their customers the best in authentic English foods. Many great foods can be found in these stores. The consumers that are now buying from the store in the UK are not only those whom are native. Many people all over the world are ordering from the UK and bringing English food into their homes.

Depending on where you live there are a few options for shopping in the UK for good food. You can either buy locally or you can shop online and have food shipped to you.

Shopping in the UK for Food

If you live in the United Kingdom, it is easy enough to get the traditional local cuisine every day. You are used to it being in every store and market. There are a few ways to shop when you live in the UK. Just because your local does not mean you want to be at the stores on crowded days.

UK food stores are available online to local people as well as those who live far away. There are many markets that offer delivery of fresh and packaged foods in the UK. This can be extremely helpful for those too busy to do a weekly shop or those who are ill or injured. To simply choose the items that one wants, put them in an online cart, pay for them, and have them delivered is a great way to spoil you. Make sure that you look into the delivery charge before buying so you are not surprised at check out.

Shopping in person at UK food stores is a common option as well. There are several types of stores to choose from. You can buy from local supermarkets chains. These often offer the best deals on saving money. There are also local whole markets that sell local produce and other foods. This is a great way to support your own people. Other types of food stores in the UK sell organic foods and specialize in food gifts.

Shopping Abroad for UK Food

If you are shopping abroad in local UK food stores, you will want to do some research first. Many of the stores willing to ship to other countries are limited in what they can sell. It will be very unlikely that you will be able to buy local produce or fresh meats. They would probably spoil before entering your local area. It can also be illegal in some areas to send food that could contain live species in packaging.

Prepackaged foods and those that will not expire fast can be bought and shipped. These food types last much longer and have no problem entering other areas. There are plenty of UK favorites than can be bought locally and shipped right to you at home. All you need to do is find a store in the UK that is will and able to do International shipping at a decent rate. Then you can enjoy the authentic UK food you love.

Great British Food Can Draw A Crowd

9 Feb

If you are trying to find ways to please a small crowd, then why not introduce great British food? There are so many wonderful dishes that can be offered to please just about anyone, so it would hard for people to be left out. There are many dishes that can be considered party like in nature, many of which will offer finger food like portions.

This is an excellent way for you to introduce some new culture into the mix and you just may find that you will be thanked for the experience. Aside from the most common of foods and snacks, you can actually set up a small table that can accommodate some of the best that Britain has to offer.

With fine sandwiches and even small sconces, the great British food that you can offer guests will have them appreciating the fact that they came to your event. The fact that you will be offering this type of food is not to say that you are going to have to spend a fortune, as many of the foods or food options will be easy on the wallet while entertaining.

Old Classics still Going Strong

One of the most interesting things about finding great British food is that regardless of the generation you can find good food. Some of the classics like fish and chips or some of the wonderful puddings and sausages are still going strong within England. Food that is considered old time classics opposed to the newer dishes that some of the great new chefs are cranking out still manages to draw a crowd. Some say it is because the food is consistently filling, others feel that it is because it is the nostalgia factor.
Regardless of what the reason is that you wish to try great British food, you will have a tough time trying to decide what to try first. If you are into seafood, there is plenty to choose from. Shellfish such as mussels and crab are always available, yet so too is fine fish such as mackerel and snapper.

Sometimes it isn’t even the choice of great British foods that you choose to have, as much as it is the way it is cooked. Some choose to do things the old fashioned way, while others look to add innovation to the kitchen and try something new.

Good For A Nation Good For You

If the great British food that people are enjoying in England offers fulfillment and satisfaction, there is absolutely no reason why you cannot enjoy it as a means of trying something new. People have been living off this food for hundreds of years and they are still looking to this food to cover meals throughout the day.

Some of the best that the country has to offer is not necessarily even British in origin, yet this is not to say that the British have not enjoyed it as their own. England has looked at many of the great British food from their visitors as their own, almost like a rent so to speak for the time spent in their country.